Monday, September 28, 2009


Hi Everyone,
You may have noticed it's been quite some time since we have posted. Sorry! The two people that comprise puncontrollable, Margaret and Cyrus, have been busy preparing for their upcoming wedding. Postings will be scarce until we return from our honeymoon. Just because we haven't been posting, doesn't meant that our lives have been without puns. Here are a few highlights:

- We took a road trip to Portland, OR and have decided they are the punniest city we've seen. There were so many clever puns, everywhere.

-Margaret received a couple of amazing books on puns for her birthday from our dear friend Nate. We plan to review and share from the books in upcoming posts.

-We've come up with a few new designs that we hope to debut in time for the winter holidays. We also will start making and selling prints of our designs.

There are lots of exciting things coming up!

Thanks a pun!
Margaret & Cyrus


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